THE Logan Science Journalism Programme at the University of Chicago’s Marine Biological Laboratory invites applications to its two intensive workshops for journalists interested in learning the process of basic biomedical and environmental research in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
The programme will take place from May 18 to 28, 2025. The biomedical research course is intended for science/health journalists, and the environmental hands-on research course is designed for environmental journalists.
Science and environmental journalists with at least three years of experience can apply for this programme.
The organiser says, “The Logan Science Journalism Programme, founded in 1986, offers science journalists, writers, editors, and broadcast journalists a chance to forget about story deadlines and immerse themselves in basic biomedical or environmental research”.
The fellowship covers course fees, room, board and travel.
The deadline for the submission of application is January 15, 2025. Interested applicants can apply here.
Blessing Otoibhi is a Multimedia Journalist and Anchor host for the News in 60 seconds at The International Center For Investigative Reporting. You can shoot her a mail via or connect on Twitter @B_otoibhi