Fredrick Nwabufo, former Abuja Bureau Chief of TheCable, is set to launch an online newspaper, The Detail, “in conjunction with some partners”.
Nwabufo said his decision to set up a news platform was inspired by the achievements of his mentor, Simon Kolawole, Chief Executive Officer of TheCable.
“TheDetail, a division of Ovah Multiservices Global Limited, was created on December 21, 2017 to give frontline and detailed reports on national and global events with clarity, gravitas and objectivity, and to carry out in-depth analysis of developments in the news in real time,” Nwabufo said in a statement he released on Tuesday.
The website will go live on March 1, and “it will expand the frontiers of journalism in Africa”.
Nwabufo, who joined TheCable from inception in 2014, was one of the few journalists to interview Malala Yousafzai when the Nobel laureate visited Nigeria in 2017.