Few days after five suspected Boko Haram members were arrested in Maiduguri, Borno State, with bombs hidden in food flasks, the military has announced the arrest of seven others, this time in Kaduna State.
Army spokesperson, Sani Usman, a Colonel, in a statement issued on Sunday said that the arrests were made after some surveillance and intelligence operations conducted over a period of time.
While no information was provided regarding the specific location where the arrests were made, Usman said the intention of the suspects was to carry out “suicide bombings, kill and maimed innocent citizens in the state and other surrounding areas during the festive period.”
“The arrest of these suspects would no doubt assist in the fight against terrorism in the country, more so as the military have technically defeated the Boko Haram terrorists in the field, the terrorists have resorted to attacking soft targets through suicide bombings, IEDs and harassing attacks on isolated communities” he added.
Members of the public were advised on the need to be more vigilant and security conscious and report suspicious objects, movements or persons to security agents, especially with the success recorded by government troops against the group, something that has made them desperate and determined to attack soft targets.
“This request has become necessary because the terrorists have resorted to mingling with the public across the country after sensing the futility of their encounter with troops in the north east. Therefore, they adopt other methods of perpetuating violence in the society,” the army spokesperson noted.