ROBERT O. Young, a US naturopathic practitioner, recently surfaced online in Africa, claiming that Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, was planning depopulation of Africa.
Young had, in a 2019 video (now trending), suggested that vaccination was a means to depopulate Africa.
The video has been shared in Nigeria, South Africa, and some other African countries.
The claim is trending online amid African countries’ drive to acquire vaccines for its population against the coronavirus.
Young had said in the clip, “For the purpose of sterilisation and population control, there’s too many people on the planet we need to get rid of. In the words of Bill Gates, at least three billion people need to die.”
“So we will just start off in Africa. We will start doing our research there and will eliminate most of the Africans because they are deplorable, they are worthless. They are not part of this world economies. Their rights are taken away and suppress and experimented on.”
He further said, in a response to a panel member, “These are Bill Gates words. Just Google Bill Gates and depopulisation (sic) and sterilisation. You will hear out of his own mouth the plan.”
Young suggested that Bill Gates vaccination drive, which he claimed was a population control project, was zeroed in on Africans because “they are deplorable and worthless.”
The claim, which was shared by a twitter user @KhotsoSefatsa on the 11th of January, 2021, has generated 357 retweets, 44 quoted tweets and 550 likes.
His tweet read, “Mandating vaccines is part of depopulation plan. Check Dr Robert O. Young testimony*** #BillGates #CovidVaccine.”
It was also shared on the @makumbi_k2 on the 12th of January 2021 generating 1.7K retweets, 80 quoted tweets and 3.1k likes.
His tweet read, “Everyone who is against the vaccines which Bill Gates and his puppet Cyril Ramaphosa want to impose on us, please like and retweet this Tweet so that they know what they want to do to us #BillGates #VaccineforSouthAfrica.”
The ICIR sent a mail to the media department of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation requesting its reaction to the viral claim. In response, it said in a terse mail that the claim was ‘false.’
Young made the claim while speaking as part of a panel organised by the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) — a group that holds unsanctioned hearings on subjects ranging from child trafficking, vaccines, coronavirus and to the alleged effects of 5G.
On its website, ITNJ, founded by Sacha Stone, a former rock musician and artist in 2015, said it belonged to the people and was not controlled by any nation, state, corporation, or ‘special interests.’
The Daily Mail UK on the 12th of April, 2020, had exposed how this group falsely linked the 5G mobile phone network to coronavirus.
The ICIR had also, in a fact check published in April 2020, found no link between the coronavirus and the 5G mobile network.
The Video
A check by The ICIR showed that the video being shared online about the alleged Bill Gates depopulation plan was a part of a 98-minute video published on the ITNJ’s YouTube channel on November 20, 2019.
Apart from claims on Bill Gates and Africa, Young also alleged in the video that viruses were not real and that vaccines were poison.
The ICIR sent a mail to Robert Young on the 13th of January, 2021, requesting he share with it proof to back up the claim made against the Microsoft founder.
Young, in reply to the ICIR request, said he was very concerned about the use of vaccinations for population control and especially in India and Africa.

His mail read, “Hi Shehu, Thank you for your email. I am very concerned about the use of vaccinations for population control and especially in India and Africa. You can find many youtube videos on this subject going to Here is such an example:*** My outcome is for anyone concerned about the use of vaccines for population control needs to do further investigation for themselves. I believe each human on this planet has a right to life. All lives are precious and need to be protected. In love and healing light, Dr. Robert O Young www.***.com.”
Young shared a video link with The ICIR where he alleged Bill Gates made the claim.
The video shared by Young was a 3-minute, 34-second video published on YouTube on the 13th of April, 2020, by Kenya News Media.
The ICIR subjected the video to verification by using the Invid video verifier. It found out that the video published on the YouTube channel was a part of a 2010 Ted Talk video, ‘Innovating to zero,’ where Bill Gates discussed ways the world could reduce carbon emissions, vaccines and healthcare.
Also, part of the video was from a 2012 Bill Gates interview with Larry Cohen shared on GatesNotes titled, ‘A Conversation with Bill Gates: Population Growth.’
Bill Gates on Population growth
This was not the first time conspiracy theorists had made claims about Bill Gates’s depopulation project.
Lately, the outbreak of coronavirus has further pushed this claim by linking it with his effort towards combating the coronavirus pandemic.
The ICIR found a 2010 Ted Talk video, ‘Innovating to zero,’ where Bill Gates discussed ways the world could reduce carbon emissions and suggested ways in which global population growth would be reduced through improving healthcare as the root of where his speech was misinterpreted.
Gates had said in the February 2010 Ted Talk video that “First, we’ve got the population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.”
The ’10 or 15 percent’ mentioned by Gates was about slowing global population growth (through improved health) to reduce carbon emissions, rather than reducing the population through the vaccines.
Also, a 2-minute, 2-second 2012 interview video with Larry Cohen published on Bill Gates YouTube channel titled, ‘A Conversation with Bill Gates: Population Growth,’ said by improving healthcare, population growth could actually be slowed down.
He also made mention of it in a video titled, ‘Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?’ published on his YouTube channel in 2018.
Also in an article published by Reuters news agency in September 2018, titled, ‘Africa’s rapid population growth puts poverty progress at risk,’ Gates said population growth in Africa was a challenge and stated that the best ways of tackling the growing population and poverty challenge was by improving access to birth control, which should be combined with investment in young people’s health and education.
What to know about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation $10 Billion vaccine pledge
In 2010, during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder and philanthropist, pledged 10 billion dollars over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines for the world’s poorest countries.
The donation was one of the biggest ever from a single charitable organisation.
He said the increased investment in vaccines by governments and the private sector could help developing countries dramatically reduce child mortality by the end of the decade, and also called for others to help fill critical financing gaps in both research funding and childhood immunisation programmes.
“We must make this the decade of vaccines,” said Bill Gates. “Vaccines already save and improve millions of lives in developing countries. Innovation will make it possible to save more children than ever before.”
“If additional vaccines are developed and introduced in this decade—such as for tuberculosis—even more lives could be saved. The new funding announced today is in addition to the $4.5 billion that the Gates Foundation has already committed to vaccine research, development and delivery to date across its entire disease portfolio since its inception.”
“Vaccines are a miracle,” said Mrs Gates. “With just a few doses, they can prevent deadly diseases for a lifetime.”
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Nigeria
The Gates Foundation in Nigeria plays a leading role in healthcare provision in partnership with the Nigerian government, private sectors, and the World Health Organisation.
The foundation played a leading role in the eradication of polio in Nigeria, as well as in immunisation and other developmental issues. It focuses on improving family health, strengthening healthcare systems, improving nutrition, increasing agricultural productivity and enhancing access to financial services.
The chairman of the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, during the expanded National Economic Council, NEC, presided over by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo in March of 2018 said the foundation had committed over 1.6 billion dollars so far, with the intention of increasing his commitment in the country.
Who is Robert O. Young?
According to his profile on Wikipedia, Robert Oldham Young is an American naturopathic practitioner and author of alternative medicine books promoting an alkaline diet.
He is best known as the author of a bestselling book series called ‘The pH Miracle,’ which touts an alkaline diet as a cure for cancer.
In 2017, Young spent several months in jail after being arrested in January 2014 and convicted in 2016 on two out of three charges of theft and practicing medicine without a license.
In November 2018, according to the same Wikipedia profile, a San Diego jury awarded 105m dollars in damages to a former cancer patient he persuaded to forgo effective treatment in favour of his alkaline diet, resulting in her disease progressing to an incurable stage 4.
In 1995, Young allegedly drew blood from two women, told them they were ill, and then sold them herbal products to treat these illnesses. He was charged with two third-degree felony counts of practicing medicine without a license, but pled guilty to a reduced misdemeanor charge.
The ICIR found nowhere through its search where Bill Gates made the claim alleged by Robert O. Young.
The video link shared by Robert O. Young to back up his claim was a misinterpretation of what Bill Gates said in his Ted Talk and the interview with Larry Cohen.
The Microsft founder in the 29-minute, 32-second video was discussing ways the world could reduce carbon emissions and also suggesting ways by which global population growth would be reduced through improved healthcare and vaccinations. He was not speaking on the reduction of population, nay African population, as alleged by Young in the video.
Olayinka works with The ICIR as the Social Media Manager, Reporter and Fact-checker. You can shoot him an email via You can as well follow him on Twitter via @BelloYinka72
Bill Gates is not a medical doctor nor has obtained the education to give medical advice or solutions. He did say that by improving healthcare that they could reduce population growth. That’s double speak of saying that through Medicare they will reduce population growth by offering more birth control, abortion pills, and the use of vaccines to reduce population growth. I understand that Nigeria gets a bunch of money from the Gates Foundation but all money ISS not good money and shame on those in public health in Nigeria for subjecting their people to this nonsense.
You know what your just a bastard Mr young BILLGATES never said so so it is maybe you wana Africa to be destroyed so you can rule it never and never it’s never going to happen by;Africa