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‘They raped many girls in our presence’ — freed African ‘slaves’ recount experience in Libya

The migrant crisis that is currently ravaging various parts of the world, especially Africa, took a different twist early...

Italy probes death of 26 Nigerian female migrants

  Italian prosecutors are investigating the deaths of 26 Nigerian women - most of them teenagers - whose bodies were...
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16,000 Nigerian women entered Italy in two years — as commercial sex workers

Italian and European authorities estimate that as many as 16,000 Nigerian women have entered Italy the past two years...

162 Nigerian Migrants Held in Libyan Prisons Repatriated Home

The International Organisation for Migration, IOM, Libya on Thursday assisted 162 stranded Nigerians migrants, including 28 women and 3 children, to return home to Nigeria from Libya.
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34 Migrants, Including Nigerians Found Dead In Niger Desert

Thirty-four migrants, including 20 children, have been found dead in Niger's desert after they were abandoned by their smuggler.

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