South Africa's unemployment has risen to its highest in 14 years, with agriculture and informal sectors shedding jobs and more people refraining from job hunting in the first quarter — a sign that the country's economy may be headed for recession.
The Congress of South African Trade Unions, COSATU, a federation of all the trade unions in the country, has called for President Jacob Zuma to step down, saying that he was no longer the "right person" to lead the country.
South Africa’s Deputy President, Cyril Ramaphosa, launched an unprecedented verbal attack on President Zuma, saying that he was not in support of the cabinet reshuffle.
South African President, Jacob Zuma, is facing yet another threat to his presidency with a renewed call by three of his cabinet members for him to stand down.
South African President Jacob Zuma will be questioned next week by the African National Congress' (ANC) integrity commission following persistent allegations of corruption and poor election results, the party said on Friday.