UNITED States House of Representatives has condemned plans by Donald Trump, US President to extend his administration’s travel ban to include Nigeria and other countries.
In 2017, a few weeks into his tenure, Trump has signed the original travel ban which affected predominantly Muslim countries’ access to the US – a move that was widely criticised.
However, Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Myanmar, Eritrea, Sudan, and Tanzania also have been included among countries that will be at the receiving end of the ‘notorious US ban list’.
Nevertheless, if the new proposal by Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives and other members gets approval of the congress, the additional list may be dropped.
Pelosi, on Monday, revealed plans to oppose the “cruel, un-American travel ban in all of its iterations.”
In a press statement, she noted that in the coming weeks, the House Committee would mark up and bring to the floor the ‘NO BAN Act’ to prohibit religious discrimination in the migration system and find ways to limit Trump’s ability to impose bans.
“Trump and his Administration’s continued disdain for our nation’s national security and our founding ideals of liberty and justice dishonour our proud immigrant heritage and the diversity that strengthens and enriches our communities.
“Despite the Administration’s hateful policies and dangerous rhetoric, this fundamental truth remains: immigrants make America more American,” she said.
Democratic Senator, Chris Coons, one of the authors of the NO BAN Act denounced what he called the “intentional use of cruelty” in Trump’s administration’s immigration policy.
He said the Muslim ban was based on “prejudice, populism and discrimination”, rather than fact or security considerations.