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Paul Owolabi

Oil earnings to decline by 80 per cent in 2020 – FG

As federal government projected revenue from oil earnings continues to decline, Federation Account Allocation is now expected to fall...

How ease of lockdown has shown Nigerians’ poor acceptance of online, digital banking system

ONLINE images of people crowded in banks in various parts of the country may have shown that Nigerians are yet...
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COVID-19: MDAs that flout the guidelines for the management of the funds would be sanctioned – OAGF

THE Office of the Accountant General of the Federation (OAGF) has announced that Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) that...

Four out of ten individuals have real expenditures below N137,430 per year -NBS

THE National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has reported that four in every ten Nigerians have real per capita expenditures...
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No bank in Nigeria shall retrench staff of any cadre – CBN

THE Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has said no bank in Nigeria shall retrench staff irrespective of their  cadre. The...

COVID-19: Banks in competition to donate N1 billion into relief fund

COVID-19 charity donations to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) may have turned into a stiff competition as banks...
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