Oby Ezekwesili, former Minister of Education, has embarked on a ‘one-woman march’ to the Aso Rock Presidential Villa to protest the incessant killings in various parts of Nigeria.
Ezekwesili had tweeted, on Tuesday, that she would carry out the protest even if nobody else joins her.
“Some days, Nigeria shatters your heart. One is left picking up the pieces with so much pain . This latest Jos tragedy is a real heartbreak,” she wrote.
“Just seeing those children mauled down and brutalized. Haaaaa! What was their offense? What was their offense???
“The #PlateauKillings are unbearable. Tomorrow, I shall fulfill my pledge earlier this year to embark on a march to the Aso Rock Villa to ask the Nigerian President to #StopTheKillingsNOW!
“Citizens are not helpless. Citizens are not powerless. We have our voice. Use it.
“The last things I ever want to feel as a Citizen in a Democratic Nigeria is: Helplessness, Hopelessness and Powerlessness. That is why I shall march tomorrow for all our fellow Citizens who were failed & killed by terrorist-herdsmen with the latest being #PlateauMassacre.”
The last things I ever want to feel as a Citizen in a Democratic Nigeria is : Helplessness, Hopelessness and Powerlessness.
That is why I shall MARCH tomorrow for ALL our fellow Citizens who were FAILED & KILLED by terrorist-herdsmen with the latest being #PlateauMassacre.
— Oby Ezekwesili (@obyezeks) June 25, 2018
Below are photos of Ezekwesili as she marched to Aso Villa on Tuesday: