AMID the ongoing Russia – Ukraine crisis, a viral post shared on Facebook on Monday, February 28, 2022, claimed that Russia has a nuclear missile called ‘Satan 2’ capable of destroying the whole world.
The post, which contains some texts and an image purported to be the missile, was published by a Facebook Page named Robert Mugabe Hilarious Quotes. It added that only Russia has the kind of weapon.
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“#RussiaUkraine: Satan 2 Liquid Fueled Nuclear Missile
“This weapon is only owned by Russia, and it’s capable of destroying the whole world.
“A media user said, ‘If Putin gets angry enough to deploy this thing, even Angel Michael in heaven will run to take cover first till it has finished exploding before he will blow his own trumpet.’ #Musbizu,” The post reads.
The page that shared the claim had 938,825 followers as of Wednesday, March 2, 2022, when the post was retrieved.
The post has over 4,600 likes, 3,100 comments and 812 shares as of noon on March 2, 2022.
Russia-owned Satan 2 nuclear missile capable of destroying the whole world
Checks by The FactCheckHub show that the claim is FALSE.
A Google Reverse Image Search revealed that the photo is that of Russia’s nuclear missile, RS-28 Sarmat, otherwise known as Satan 2. However, the claim that it can destroy the whole world is FALSE.
According to Missile Threat, a website that brings together authoritative and up-to-date open-source information and analysis about ballistic and cruise missiles around the globe, RS-28 Sarmat development began sometime in the 2000s.
Russia completed its prototype of the missile in late 2015.
“Satan 2” was unveiled in 2016. It is capable of destroying an area the size of Texas or France, according to a May 2016 news report by Sputnik, a state-backed Russian news agency. CNN also reported it.
In another news report by the Express, the Russian government said Satan-2 could evade the United States’ defence shield and is capable of destroying an area the size of England and Wales — or Texas.
“The new Satan 2 has largely the same capabilities as the Satan: Both missiles can reach the east and west coasts of the U.S., both can travel miles in a single second, many times the speed of sound, and both can carry multiple independently targetable warheads,” says media report by the Business Insider.
Similarly, a 2016 report by the NBC news says, “Known colloquially as ‘Satan 2,’ the missile will replace the RS-36M — which was dubbed ‘Satan’ by NATO after entering service in the 1970s.”
Robert Kelley, a former nuclear weapons expert at the U.S. Department of Energy, said the new missile was likely an upgrade of electronics — rather than explosive power or range.
“The range of the missiles will be about the same, the explosive destructive power will be about the same [but] the reliability, flexibility and confidence [in the warheads’ ability to hit their targets] will go way up,” says Kelley, who is currently a distinguished associate fellow at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Russia-owned ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missile cannot destroy the whole world, multiple reports confirmed, thus making the claim FALSE.
This is republished from the Factcheckhub.
'Niyi worked with The ICIR as an Investigative Reporter and Fact-checker from 2020 till September 2022. You can shoot him an email via You can as well follow him on Twitter via @niyi_oyedeji.
Satan’s Agents are ever negative and always say negative things against God. Angel Micheal is not a son of man to run fear a weapon made by humans for his weapons are not that simple or predictable. Struggling to defeat Ukraine, can you fight the Amie’s of God?
Destroy the whole world you say ?
Is Russia not in the world.
I think the creation of such a bomb os just stupidity.
All over Eastern Europe and Western Europe on land , on sea, under the sea, desert,wilderness and space nuclear war heads are armed , locked and loaded ready to rain Armageddon in blistering speed on Russia.
They should forget this nuclear talk.
There will be no winners. Few mens ego should not be enough to end the world.
Russia will be wiped out.
They have it in their own country having risk of explotions accindentially or targeted by another nuke .what cathastropic results would russia have.
Some false information here. The Satan 2 is 1.5 times more powerful than Satan 1 – 10 MIRVs upped to 15 MIRVS. 2 would destroy the entire east coast of USA, 2 would destroy the entire west coast.
The biggest bomb in the US arsenal is the B83 with a payload of 1.2 megatons – 60 times the Nagasaki bomb. That sounds devastating, but the Satan 2 is 50 megatons, or over 2400 times the power of the Nagasaki bomb, and Russia has 50 of these missiles tested and ready to deploy. Can you name 2400 cities with population of 250,000 people ? The Nagasaki bomb (the fat man) had a mushroom cloud that reached 10 miles high and rained down highly radioactive particles. Imagine how high the mushroom cloud from a bomb 2400 times more powerful would be. The fatal fall out would be on a global scale from just one Satan 2 bomb. If you were lucky enough to be in a military grade bunker far away from civilization and actually survived, you would soon realize that not only is all the vegetation and livestock going to be highly radioactive, but that the resulting debris cloud would basically turn off the sun and the world would go into a very deep freeze, possibly an ice age. So yes, one bomb could destroy the earth when you take into account the radioactive fallout and atmospheric dust that would come from it. I’m not even talking about the widespread diseases from the countless dead bodies that could not be disposed of due to high radiation or how water tables would be contaminated.
Well considering there is a literal point when the electrons in the atmosphere all get too excited and actually cause a combustion of the Earth’s atmosphere this is why the original tsar Bomba was toned down from 150 mt to 56 mt idk who “fact checked” this but they did a terrible job I’d check out a nasa advisor named Isaac Arthur he explains the mass needed to ignite the atmopshere using math not speculation like this site
1 rs-28 may be not able to destroy the world, how about 10 of that thing explodes? because only russia knew how many of that thing they made.
Since he claimes that his so called SATAN 2 or what ever, is capable of destroying the world. Now he’s at war with Ukraine, i dare him to launch that thing, at least we’ll both die together.
Niyi, none if your facts came from Russia. Why? You are an information expert. Balance it please
putin is a faggott
Didn’t James May try to light this thing?
putin is a gay bender
That is because they don’t know how the world was made.